
  • Travel

    Visiting the Great Smoky Mountains in Autumn

    As one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, the Great Smoky Mountains are a natural wonder at any given time. However, the Smoky Mountains in the fall are a particularly awe-inspiring sight to behold, one that every globetrotting adventurer should experience at least once in their lifetime. As the leaves change colors, the hazy blue peaks of this Appalachian subrange bursts into fiery hues. Like an ocean of molten gold, the vibrant rolling hills can be seen for miles all around. Let your wandering feet bring you to the Smokies during autumn and treat your eyes to some of these magnificent vantage points! Gatlinburg SkyLift Park The Gatlinburg SkyLift Park…

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  • Travel

    Know All About Cliff Camping Here

    The extreme sport of sleeping on a portable platform portal edge with a small hanging tent strung up to a mountain face is referred to as “Cliff Camping”. With the massive dose of adrenaline rush, it is one of the most adventurous things to do. Perhaps, a wild but a refreshing experience it ACTUALLY is. Cliff camping should be on every adventurer’s bucket list! Things to know before Cliff Camping: Cliff camping is a very adventurous experience, one that is remembered by people later giving them nostalgia of the moments that were important back then. You must know about these few things about cliff camping before you go for it.…